The AeroDesign Project, organized will be SAE BRAZIL (Society of the Engineers of
Mobility), consists of competition of engineering, opened the students
colleges student of graduation and after-graduation in Engineering, Physics and Sciences
SAE BRAZIL, when organizing and making you carry through this competition, goes you the one meeting
of its missions, which is you contribute will be the academic formation of the futures
professionals of mobility.
The competition offers you an only possibility the university students and of to after
graduation of, organized in teams, you develop an aeronautical project in
all its stages, since the conception, passing will be the detailing of the project,
construction and tests, until effectively placing it you the test ahead of to other projects
same types.
In thus proceeding, the students also ploughs stimulated you develop
abilities that will have important to paper in its future careers: leadership, spirit of
they team, planning and capacity of to vender projects and ideas.
The Competition SAE BRAZIL institucional AeroDesign has the support of the Ministry of
will be lining up themselves and coming you the meeting of objectives
of the politics and lines of direction of this
The competition occurs almost has two decades in the United States, conceived e
carried through will be SAE International, society that gave origin you SAE BRAZIL in 1991 e
of which this last one is affiliated, to under the name of SAE Aerodesign, involving
representatives of schools of adds countries of the Europe and Americas.
From 1999 this competition started you also consist of to calendar of events
estudantis of SAE BRAZIL.
The two winning teams of the edition of the Brazilian competition in To regulate Classroom e
the first one placed in the Open Classroom gains the right you participate of competition
similar promoted will be SAE International, in the first to semester of the subsequent to year,
competing with teams of different countries and counting, will be in such way, with support
technician, logistic and financial, on the part of SAE BRAZIL.
With the objective you competes in the edition of 2006 of the Competition SAE BRAZIL
AeroDesign, each competing team must project, to register, construct and fly one
airplane controlled radio you raise the biggest possible useful load, according you norms
specific, daily pay established will be each category.
Series of aspects must be observed in to order you guarantee the success of the project:
• Preliminary Project
• Calculations
• Assays
• Details of Project
• Construction
• Preparation of the Report
• Verbal Presentation
• Competition of Flight