The aircraft of the Regular Classroom will have in such a way to be projected that
they can TOTAL be INSERTED in a space of defined volume,
called doravante hangar.
The volume of the hangar has a form in plant whose geometry is one losango
of equal diagonal lines 2,8m and 2,4m, having equal a maximum height 0,7m.
diagonal lines of losango are perpendicular between itself and all the sides possess
the same length. The superior and inferior plans are parallel between
itself and the edges that define the height they are perpendicular and these plans.
The aircraft could be located in the way that the team to judge more
adjusted, lined up or not with the diagonal lines, since that the aircraft is
supported on the plain floor of the hangar, with regard to which it will have to keep
same position that will have to assume in the take-off. All the components
that they constitute the aircraft will have to be mounted, as at the moment of
take-off. Any mobile parts of the aircraft (including surfaces of
command) will have to be fixed in positions that are most critical
(bigger area in plant) for the insertion of the aircraft inside of the volume of
The verification of the insertion of the aircraft by vol. of the hangar will have to be made
with the total empty load compartment (without load and support of
load). The helices could be with the shovels in the vertical line.
For this verification an answer sheet (or hangar) will be used where the four
walls are articulated in the edges that define losango of the base. These
walls when folded 90º for top they delimit IN ITS INTERIOR
solid above cited.