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Claims regarding the punctuation divulged in the occasion of the awarding,
they will have you be directed you the committee to after saw email up you the 5 days the competition.
The decision of the Committee Technician will be final and irrevocable, it will be made by
divulged writing and during or after the competition. Any
argument with the Committee or any of the judges and inspectors, after
decision to have been declared, will be able to result in the loss of 25 points or in
immediate declassification of the members of the team of this competition.
Insistence in arguing decisions of the committee technician that are supported
for the regulation, that is, insistence in opening exceptions to the regulation
by any reason, it will cause expulsion and declassification of the team, e
also the prohibition of the participation of the school in 2 competitions
It is obligation of any participant to inform the Commission Organizer
of the Competition, or to the coordinator of the inspectors of Security, on
any relative questions to the Security (that is, case is detected
some aspect or characteristic, either of an aircraft or installation,
that it compromises the security of the flight or the present public, to inform
immediately to the responsible one for the security).
1.11.2. Suggestions
A box of suggestions will be available in the places where it will happen
competition. The suggestions will be chores only after the ending of
Competition. Any relative suggestions to the rules will be taken in
consideration for the Competition of the following year.
Also a form in which will be supplied by the commission organizer
each team (or component of team) will be able to evaluate the organization,
course of the competition, the pertinent layout of the area and other aspects.
This evaluation will serve as base for future improvements.
The identification of the team (or the component of team) in the form of
evaluation IS NOT OBLIGATOR.

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2. Requirements - Regular Classroom
2.1. Eligibility - Members of the teams
The REGULAR CLASSROOM is limited the students of graduation in
Aeronautical engineering, Physics or Sciences, associates to SAE BRAZIL.
2.2. Geometric restrictions (Requisite of `Hangaragem')
2.2.1. Basic requirements
The aircraft of the Regular Classroom will have in such a way to be projected that
they can TOTAL be INSERTED in a space of defined volume,
called doravante hangar.
The volume of the hangar has a form in plant whose geometry is one losango
of equal diagonal lines 2,8m and 2,4m, having equal a maximum height 0,7m.
diagonal lines of losango are perpendicular between itself and all the sides possess
the same length. The superior and inferior plans are parallel between
itself and the edges that define the height they are perpendicular and these plans.
The aircraft could be located in the way that the team to judge more
adjusted, lined up or not with the diagonal lines, since that the aircraft is
supported on the plain floor of the hangar, with regard to which it will have to keep
same position that will have to assume in the take-off. All the components
that they constitute the aircraft will have to be mounted, as at the moment of
take-off. Any mobile parts of the aircraft (including surfaces of
command) will have to be fixed in positions that are most critical
(bigger area in plant) for the insertion of the aircraft inside of the volume of
The verification of the insertion of the aircraft by vol. of the hangar will have to be made
with the total empty load compartment (without load and support of
load). The helices could be with the shovels in the vertical line.
For this verification an answer sheet (or hangar) will be used where the four
walls are articulated in the edges that define losango of the base. These
walls when folded 90º for top they delimit IN ITS INTERIOR
solid above cited.

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The aircraft duly will be located as defined for team e
demonstrated in the additional plant envoy (To see item and Apêndice 6.4B).
The maximum height will be verified sliding one `bar standard' for on
the walls of the hangar after its complete closing without any
interference with the aircraft.
2.2.2. Comments you add
In the same day of the verbal presentations the first verification will be made of
insertion of the aircraft by vol. of the hangar, as process that takes care of to
definition above. The aircraft will have to be present in this verification,
total MOUNTED AND COMPLETE, in the same geometric configuration
that it will have to assume at the moment of the take-off. Case the aircraft is not
gift to this first verification the team WILL BE PENALIZADA in 30
The verification of of the insertion of the aircraft by vol. of the hangar will be able
also to be made after each valid flight. The aircraft that not to satisfy
requirement of total insertion by vol. of the hangar, as described in this
section, will have its invalidated flight and could be declassified (to see section 4.3.1).
It is responsibility of the team to guarantee that the aircraft since its phase of
project until the final construction can by vol. be inserted of the hangar, such
as defined in Section 2.2.1. Case the aircraft is not projected stops
to make possible its TOTAL insertion by vol. of the hangar this could be
The walls of the hangar after the closing will be able TO TOUCH LIGHTLY
aircraft, however without the minimum application of force! It will not be able to have
interferences between any part of the aircraft and the limits of the solid (to see
Appendix 6.4A).
If case the walls of the closed hangar cannot total be e
stopped and any part of the aircraft to exceed the maximum height this will be
considered “not hangarável” e, therefore it are of the maximum limits
established for the competition.
In function of the rigid aspects of security currently adopted in
AeroDesign 2006, will not be allowed systems of joint, fold or
dismount of any part of the aircraft so that the same one is inserted
by vol. of the hangar. The requirement will have to be satisfied for the aircraft in
take-off configuration.
2.3. Required engine
The engine must be one (and only ONE) K&B,61 RC/ABC (PN 6170) or one
O.S. ,61 FX, originals, type glow and original exhaust pipe of the engine.
engines special will not be accepted. Engine K&B or O.S with axle reverse
configurations to also pusher are allowed. A spacer, or extension
between the engine and exhaust pipe, it is allowed.

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2.4. Boxes of transmission, leather straps and axles of helix
Boxes of transmission, leather straps and axles of helix are allowed since that
relation of rotation between engine and helix is of one for one. The helices
they will have to turn to the same RPM of the engine.
2.5. Load compartment
The aircraft must have one, and only one, compartment for
positioning of the load. The compartment must have the dimensions
101,6 minims of x 152,4 x 254,0mm (4 x 6 x 10 in) enough stops
to completely involve an imaginary parallelopiped with these
When the airplane will be ready to fly, the compartment will have to be
total closed.
The volume of the compartment will be verified the flight after validates using one
parallelopiped rigid standard (fact in wood), to be supplied e
used for the organization of the competition. For the verification of the volume of
compartment, after each flight the support with the load will be removed, and
parallelopiped will be inserted in the load compartment, that will have to be
closed completely (with all the setting devices) it stops
It will not be able to have interferences of no element with the volume
delimited for the compartment.
The compartment could be bigger to allow the positioning of load e
adjustment of the gravity center.
The load compartment will have to be shown clearly in one of
plants, with its enclosed dimensions.
The load compartment will be able to have any configuration that satisfies
minimum dimensions and the requirements.
Dimensions of the load compartment are of the specified one will imply
in the declassification of the team.
2.5.1. Distribution of the useful load
The useful load cannot contribute for the structural stability of the airplane (not
it can, therefore, to constitute element of the structure of the same), but must be fixed
in the way compartment to hinder its movement during the flight.
The distribution of weight in the assembly of the useful load must be homogeneous of
way that the horizontal localization it center of gravity of all
set (plates + support) coincides with the geometric center of the support. Or
either: the plates cannot be intent in a side of the support.

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2.5.2. Useful load and load support
Useful load is the weight carried for the airplane. The weight of the airplane and the fuel
They are not useful load.
The total useful load more consists of the addition of the weights of the plates the support.
The load compartment must contain a support, consisting of one
rectangular transversal section in the horizontal line and 2 vertical plans
ortogonais. The plates will have to guarantee that the weight distribution is
homogeneous as required in section 2.5.1 (Regular Classroom).
The Appendices 6.1A and 6.1B show an example of as the support and
plates must be.
2.6. Gyroscopes
The use of gyroscopes of any type will not be allowed for the Classroom
To regulate.
2.7. Requirements You add - Regular Classroom
2.7.1. Radio Has controlled
The radio has controlled will be used to fly and to maneuver the airplane. The flight will be given
with rain or sun, therefore the teams will have to prepare themselves how much to
impermeability of the radio equipment.
All the radios will have to coincide with rules FCC (Federal
Communication Commission - in charge agency them subjects of
American telecommunications) and LOVE 1991 (Academy of Model Aeronautics)
for frequencies of models of airplanes. This is the system of bands more
narrow and it is identified by a golden adhesive on the unit. It is also
recommended to the teams to use receivers of short band stops
to minimize the potential of problems.
The radios will have to be in good condition. The security overseers will be able
hinder the airplane to fly, if judge that the radio not be in condition
Regular Category IS RECOMMENDED the use to it of radio PCM (Beats
Code Modulation), less susceptible technology the interference.
The teams of the Regular Classroom that to opt to the use of radio PCM will be
granted money in 2 points. It must be demonstrated clearly during
security inspection which the type of radio that is being used.
The use of more than a receiver is set free case is necessary.
Special recommendations on security involving the Radio Control and
instalação eletrônica dos equipamentos serão, emitidas oportunamente.