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2.7.2. Pack of battery
One pack of 500mAh is the allowed minimum characteristic for the competition.
The batteries could at any time be loaded in the ground.
2.7.3. Inspection of the engine
The inspection and verification of the engine could be made by the judges of
competition to any instant.
2.7.4. Helices
Multiple helices, involved helices and ducted fans are allowed. However
he is forbidden the use of metallic helices. The helix must be fixed with one
nut standard (that it folloies the engine). Spinner or lock nut (nut
auto-travante) it must be added (OBLIGATORILY) with the intention of
to increase the security of the setting. Although the solution developed for
manufacturer of the engine in relation the setting of the helix to the axle of the engine is
insurance, the Committee Technician if reserves to the right TO REQUIRE one
redundancy in the setting with sights to increase the security.
The teams that to desire to use helices manufactured for the proper team
(not commercial) either this with any number of shovels, will have to submit
to the Committee Technician, together with the Report of Project, a report of
two pages in the maximum, demonstrating:
• Analysis of security, including theoretical analysis.
• Carried through Tests, devices of tests.
• Considered Envelope of operation.
• Details that demonstrate that the conception and the construction of the helix are
enough safe.
The team is responsible for verifying the aspects that must be analyzed e
tested. This report will be verified by a security judge, and it will not make
part of the project punctuation. Case the analysis of the judge concludes that the helix in
question is not insurance, the team will be informed in in the maximum 30 days after
sending of the report.
The lack of this report hinders the team to participate of the competition
using helix manufactured by the proper team.
2.7.5. Fuel fuel and Tank
The fuel it Regular Classroom will have 10% of nitrometano and will be
supplied for SAE BRAZIL.
The fuel tank must be accessible to determine its content
during the inspection. The fuel must be pressurized by normal ways
only, that is, without the bomb use. The fuel tank will be
emptied and replenished before each flight for the inspectors of the competition.

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The supplying will be total, independent of the size of the tank.
occurrence of pane dries will incur into the declassification of the team.
For the pesagem of the empty, necessary aircraft for the determination of the Factor
of Eficiência Estrutural (EE) (item 2.8.3.), the fuel could be removed
of the tank for the proper team only in the appropriate tent and under
inspector accompaniment.
2.7.6. Use of pára-tails or parachute
Had to the inherent risk that this type of equipment can bring, it is
forbidden its use, either as emergency or landing device.
2.7.7. Surfaces of Command
The command surfaces cannot present extreme recesses in its
joints. Surfaces of command with recesses in its joints
they tend to more reduce the ontrollability in the majority of the cases and cases
severe they are generating elements of flutter. The number of joints (or
hinge points) must be proportional to the submitted spread and loads
for the surface.
2.7.8. Sizing of the Servants
Analyses and/or tests must be presented in the Report of Project
demonstrating that the servants used in the aircraft are adequately
dimensionados and they are capable to support, or to sobrepujar with certain edge,
the aerodynamic loads which the airplane will be submitted during the flight.
2.7.9. Flights of Qualification
Flights of qualification in Are Jose of the Fields, in the eve of the competition,
they are not required for aircraft of the Regular Classroom, however some
teams could be requested to send demonstrative videos of a flight
complete (flight circuit standard) the criterion of the Commission Technique.
In case of not the fulfilment of this request, the team could be
penalizada in up to 5 points.
The teams that to send a complete video of the flight (filming
continuum, free of edition and good quality), up to 30 days before
of the Competition, they will be granted money in up to 3 points.
Attention: the value of the bonification will be function not only of the quality
technique of the video, but also of the possibility of visualization of
characteristics of flight of the aircraft.
2.7.10. Eligible maximum weight
Aircraft of the Regular Classroom will not be able to have its all up weight (weight empty +
maximum load + combustible weight) bigger that 20kg (44,09 lb).

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2.8. Punctuation - Regular Classroom
2.8.1. Loaded maximum useful load
The Competition of Flight consists of batteries in which the teams will try
to load the biggest possible weight. The number of points in this phase will be based
in its maximum loaded useful load in a total valid flight (it sees section
4.1.3) and will be calculated in the following way:
1 point for each 0,125 kg
2.8.2. Acuracidade
Points you add of Regular load them classrooms will be added
being based on the exactness of the useful load forecast. The resultant punctuation of
acuracidade of esteem useful load is calculated by the following formula, with
weights of express loads useful foreseen and useful Real in kilograms:
Points: [20 - 4,6* (Foreseen Useful Load - Real Useful Load)
e since that the expression has positive value. In case that contrary, the punctuation
the zero will be equal (0)
2.8.3. Factor of Structural Efficiency - Points You add
Points you add Regular Classroom to it will be added being based
in the Factor of Structural Efficiency, that is, Paid Load ratio/Weight empty
of the aircraft.
Factor of Eficiência Estrutural (EE)
EE =
• CP is the paid cargo (useful load) (kg)
• PV is the weight empty (without fuel) (kg).
The additional punctuation (bonification) is calculated by the following equation:
Obs.: It is of responsibility of each team to remove the fuel of the tank
for the pesagem of the aircraft in the appropriate tent and under the supervision of
an inspector. The removed fuel must be stored in container
appropriate and returned the supplying tent.

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2.8.4. Time of Load Withdrawal - Points You add
The opening of the compartment of load to each flight will be chronometered, e
bond points will be given for the teams that to obtain to carry through
complete operation (that is: to open the load compartment and to remove all
useful load) in less than 40 seconds, obeying the following rule of
bonification, with the changeable express time (t) in seconds:
Points = 10 - (t*10/40),
e since that the expression has positive value. In case that contrary, the punctuation
the zero will be equal (0)
For effect of the bond, a component of the team will only be able to make
opening of the load compartment, from an initial position in foot, to
side of the aircraft.
The use of any cutting tool is vetoed (tesourinha, knife or similar)
to cut to the cover or any another component, in the act of the opening of
load compartment. All part or component of the compartment of
load must be apt to be reused, therefore it cannot be destroyed in
opening, exactly that of involuntary form. Adhesive ribbons, after some time
of use, they lose the property to adhere being able not to be efficient in the flight
following. The systems of closing of the load compartment must be
such that, can be reused without having its modified characteristics.

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3. Requirements - Open Classroom
3.1. Eligibility - Members of the teams
The OPEN CLASSROOM is limited the students of graduation and after
graduation (stricto sensu) in Aeronautical Engineering, Physics or Sciences,
associates to SAE BRAZIL.
From 2006 any enrolled team in the Open Category he will have to contain
in its picture of components, for the little three veteran pupils of
AeroDesign, that is, pupils with description of at least a participation
in previous AeroDesign competitions, either in the Regular or Opened Classroom.
3.2. Engine
The airplanes of the Open Classroom can have an engine more than, however the piston displacement
total (somatória of the piston displacements of all the engines) cannot exceed 15,08
(0,92 cubical counts). Any mark of engine can be used.
These engines could be prepared internally since that the piston displacement
it is not modified.
The team will have, necessarily, to include, in the form of an annex to the Report
of Project, the documentation of the manufacturer of (s) the motor one (es) that it indicates its
piston displacement, as well as descriptive text concerning the executed modifications
in the engines. The total of dedicated pages to this annex will not be
entered as part of the Report of Project.
Airplanes whose piston displacement of the engines will be bigger of what the allowed one, will be
3.3. Boxes of transmission, leather straps and axles of helix
Boxes of transmission, leather straps and axles of helix are allowed. The relation of
rotation between engine and helix can be different of one for one. The helices not
they need to turn to the same RPM of the engine.
3.4. Useful load
The useful load cannot contribute for the structural stability of the airplane (not
it can, therefore, to constitute structural element of the same), but must be fixed in
compartment in order to hinder its movement during the flight.
For the Opened classroom, it is not necessary that the Center of Gravidade (CG) of
set coincides with the CG of the support and the weights can be used stop
to balance the model in the correct CG.
3.5. Gyroscopes
The use of gyroscopes and any type of system of automatic control is
allowed for the Open Classroom.