Multiple helices, involved helices and ducted fans are allowed. However
he is forbidden the use of metallic helices. The helix must be fixed with one
nut standard (that it folloies the engine). Spinner or lock nut (nut
auto-travante) it must be added (OBLIGATORILY) with the intention of
to increase the security of the setting. Although the solution developed for
manufacturer of the engine in relation the setting of the helix to the axle of the engine is
insurance, the Committee Technician if reserves to the right TO REQUIRE one
redundancy in the setting with sights to increase the security.
The teams that to desire to use helices manufactured for the proper team
(not commercial) with number any of shovels, will have to submit the Committee
Technician, together with the Report of Project, a report of in the maximum
two pages demonstrating:
• Analysis of security, including theoretical analysis.
• Carried through Tests, devices of tests.
• Considered Envelope of operation.
• Details that demonstrate that to the conception and the construction of the helix, are
enough safe.
The team is responsible for verifying the aspects that must be analyzed e
tested. This report will be verified by a security judge, and it will not make
part of the project punctuation. Case the analysis of the judge concludes that the helix in
question is not insurance, the team will be informed in in the maximum 30 days after
sending of the report.