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3.6. Fuel fuel and Tank
He will be the Opened Classroom, beyond the combustible standard, supplied will be SAE
BRAZIL, is allowed the fuel uses with different ratio of
nitrometano, and since that it is combustible to proper advertising will be the practical one
of modelismo. In this in marries that, it must be supplied by to proper team.
The fuel tank must be accessible (and not only visible) stops
you content determines its during the inspection and you verify all its
Normal The fuel can be pressurized by ways or with the uses of
bombs. The fuel tank will be emptied and replenished before
each flight will be the inspectors of the competition.
Total The supplying will be, independent of the size of the tank.
occurrence of pane dries will incur into the declassification of the team.
Bigger information how much you the fuel will be the open classroom and
pertinent requirements of security could be seen in the document “SAE
BRAZIL AeroDesign 2006 - Interpretativo Document”
3.7. Specific requirements of Security
3.7.1. Radio Has controlled
The radio has controlled will be used to fly and to maneuver the airplane. The flight will be given
with rain or sun, therefore the teams will have to prepare themselves how much to
impermeability of the radio equipment.
All the radios will have to coincide with rules FCC and LOVE 1991 stop
frequencies of models of airplanes. This is the system of narrower bands
e is identified by a golden adhesive on the unit. It is also
recommended to the teams to use receivers of short band stops
to minimize the potential of problems.
The radios will have to be in good condition. The security overseers will be able
hinder the airplane to fly, if judge that the radio not be in condition
For the Open Classroom STRONG the radio use IS RECOMMENDED
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), less susceptível technology the interference.
Such radios also possess instructions of Safety mode, where the airplane
it assumes a daily pay-regulation, in case of imperfection of the commands.
The teams of Opened Classroom, that to use radio PCM will be
granted money in 4 points.
Special recommendations on security involving the Radio Control and
electronic installation will be emitted opportunely and specifically for
Opened classroom, will be considered mandatórias.

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3.7.2. Receptor and Packs of battery Receiver
For the aircraft of the Open Classroom the USE OF TWO is OBLIGATOR
RECEIVERS or some another form of back-up for the radio. Packs of battery
One pack of 2000mAh (2Ah) FOR EACH USED RECEIVER is
allowed minimum characteristic for the competition in the Open Classroom.
The use of multiple batteries since of that is allowed the minimum load of 2Ah
either reached.
The batteries could at any time be loaded in the ground.
For EACH ONE OF the USED RECEIVERS the installation is obligator
of a “VoltWatch Receiver Monitorial Battery” (or measurer of tension on
3.7.3. Requirements You add - Electronic Systems
The airplanes of the Open Classroom will have to take care of the following requirements of
Compatible wiring with distance and chain (to show in the Report
electric diagram)
Battery for heating of the candle in idling.
3.7.4. Requirements You add - General
• All the screws of setting of critical components (landing gear,
wing, stabilizer, etc…) they must be self-locking nut (nuts auto-travantes)
or braked
• The joints of the surfaces must be compatible with the efforts
• The number of joints in each surface must be compatible with
spread of the same one.
3.7.5. Test single-engine Flight
Additionally, the teams of the Open Classroom will have to supply, up to 30 days
before the competition, a report of in the maximum 2 pages, detailing
theoretical analysis and practical tests for the case of loss of one of the engines in
more critical condition.
At least a flight test must have been carried through in this condition, and
results must be presented in this report. The team is responsible
for identifying the condition most critical, verifying the necessary analyses
(considering the dynamics of the imperfection and the perception of the pilot), and as the assay
it must be executed.

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3.7.6. Video of the Flight
A video, recorded will have to be sent in format COMPACT DISC or DVD,
demonstrating clearly that the aircraft in normal conditions, or with
all the engines, are insurance, maneuvering and capable to execute the least one
complete circuit of defined in agreement flight already in Section 4.3.1. The complete flight
(take-off, circuit standard and landing) it total needs to be filmed (filming
continuum, free of edition and good quality).
This video WILL HAVE to be sent up to 30 days before competition e
it will constitute mandatório requirement for participation in the Classroom Opened in 2006.
3.7.7. Flights of Qualification
The airplanes of the Open Classroom could also be submitted verifications e
tests of daily pay-qualification to guarantee that they meet safe to fly
during the competition, in the presence of public and competitors. The teams
they will be informed with antecedence of the details of this test. For effect of
programming, the teams must be prepared to even carry through this test
the eve of the beginning of the Competition of Flight that is: even in the friday, day of
presentation of the projects.
3.7.8. Accompaniment and Validation of Projects
For the year of 2006 the Committee Technician evaluates the implantation of a Process
of Accompaniment and applicable Validation to the airplanes of the Open Classroom.
This process has for objective to assure, previously to the Competition, that
airplanes (products) competing in this classroom show the necessary consistency
e maturity with regard to the original project, benefiting the security as
one all.
The Process of Accompaniment and Validation, if implemented,
it will imply the visit of a representative of SAE BRAZIL and/or Juiz of
Competition next to the competing teams, for ends of verification of
characteristics of the project and will have eliminatory character.
All the visits previously will be set appointments and will occur between 40 and 50
days before the competition.
The process understands, the principle, previous verification of aspects of
project, constructive and accompaniment of tests, also of flights.
Beyond the inspection visit, diverse minimum requirements will be demanded in
report, such as: calculations of structural loads and, photos of the assays
structural carried through beyond some photos of the construction process.
All these itens will be part of the documentation for auditagem.
Bigger details will be divulged opportunely through news

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3.7.9. Helices
Multiple helices, involved helices and ducted fans are allowed. However
he is forbidden the use of metallic helices. The helix must be fixed with one
nut standard (that it folloies the engine). Spinner or lock nut (nut
auto-travante) it must be added (OBLIGATORILY) with the intention of
to increase the security of the setting. Although the solution developed for
manufacturer of the engine in relation the setting of the helix to the axle of the engine is
insurance, the Committee Technician if reserves to the right TO REQUIRE one
redundancy in the setting with sights to increase the security.
The teams that to desire to use helices manufactured for the proper team
(not commercial) with number any of shovels, will have to submit the Committee
Technician, together with the Report of Project, a report of in the maximum
two pages demonstrating:
• Analysis of security, including theoretical analysis.
• Carried through Tests, devices of tests.
• Considered Envelope of operation.
• Details that demonstrate that to the conception and the construction of the helix, are
enough safe.
The team is responsible for verifying the aspects that must be analyzed e
tested. This report will be verified by a security judge, and it will not make
part of the project punctuation. Case the analysis of the judge concludes that the helix in
question is not insurance, the team will be informed in in the maximum 30 days after
sending of the report.
The non-availability of this report, in the required stated period, constitutes
mandatória condition for the participation in the competition using
helices manufactured for the proper team.
3.7.10. Use of pára-tails or parachute
Had to the inherent risk that this type of equipment can bring, it is
forbidden its use, either as emergency or landing device.
3.7.11. Surfaces of Command
The command surfaces cannot present extreme recesses in its
joints. Surfaces of command with recesses in its joints
they tend to more reduce the ontrollability in the majority of the cases and cases
severe they are generating elements of flutter. The number of joints (or
hinge points) must be proportional to the submitted spread and loads
for the surface.
3.7.12. Sizing of the Servants
Analyses and/or tests must be presented in the Report of Project
demonstrating that the servants used in the aircraft are adequately
dimensionados and they are capable to support, or to sobrepujar with certain edge,
the aerodynamic loads which the airplane will be submitted during the flight.

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3.7.13. Eligible maximum weight
Aircraft of the Open Classroom will not be able to have its all up weight (weight empty +
maximum load + weight of the fuel) bigger that 30kg (66,14lb).
3.8. Punctuation - Open Classroom
3.8.1. Paid load ratio
The airplanes of the open classroom will be pontuados with in the following way:
Paid load ratio (RCP)
• CP is the paid cargo (useful load) - in pounds
• PV is the weight empty - in pounds
3.8.2. Acuracidade
Points you add of Regular load them classrooms and Opened of load they will be
added being based on the exactness of the useful load forecast.
punctuation of acuracidade of esteem useful load is calculated by the following one
formula, with the weights in kilograms:
Points: [20 - 4,6* (Foreseen Useful Load - Real Useful Load)
e since that the expression has positive value. In case that contrary, the punctuation
the zero will be equal (0)
3.8.3. Time of Load Withdrawal - Points You add
They will not exist in 2006 for the Opened Classroom, points you add for time of
load withdrawal.