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4. Requirements of Mission - To regulate and Opened Classroom
4.1. Competition of Flight
You participate of the Competition of Flight, the team must have completed all
requirements of the project competition, that is, sent the reports, plants e
graph, and made the verbal presentation.
4.1.1. Inspections of Security, Dimensional Pesagem and
The airplane will have to pass for the inspection of security before each flight.
security inspection not penaliza in points, but can hinder the team
to fly.
Obs.: So that the security inspections are fast allowing that
more flights happen, a list with good practical of security will be emitted
The airplanes of the Classrooms Open and Regular will only make after valid flights e
after the withdrawal of the useful load, the pesagem of the empty aircraft.
To the no team authorization will be granted to effect the pesagem
of the aircraft it are of the normal sequence of the battery.
The airplanes of the Regular Classroom that will have its valid flights, will pass soon
after the pesagem, for a special answer sheet for verification of the dimensions
principles of `hangaragem'. The aircraft will have to be capable to be
TOTAL INSERTED in this solid in the described conditions in the sections
2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
The walls of the “hangar” during the closing will be able TO TOUCH the aircraft,
however without the minimum application of force! It will not be able to have interferences
any part of the aircraft and the limits of the solid enters (to see section to 2.2.2 e
appendix 6.4A). It is responsibility of the team to observe the tolerances of
manufacture thus the aircraft does not exceed the delimited volume.
The load compartment (Regular Classroom) also will have its volume
verified and the used solid for this verification it does not have to be inserted with
application of extreme force, that is, the adjustment must be “sliding”.
4.1.2. Qualifications
In order to participate of the Competition of Flight, the team must have fulfilled all
the requirements of the project competition and to have flied the airplane previously.
team will have to deliver in the first day of the event, during the reception of
teams, a declaration made for the orienting professor of the team, signed
also for the director of the school (or representative), certifying that the airplane, in
condition where any repair was taken for the competition (after
significant that he has been made) Appendix flied previously to the competition (
6.8). It will not be accepted declaration made for members of the team or others
The airplane must load a mass of 3,0 at least kg (Regular Classroom) or
8,0 kg (Open Classroom) during the flights of qualification in the first day of
competition. This flight of qualification that could be carried through in any
battery of 1° day of flight competition will be eliminatory, being that the day

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posterior (determined for the number of remaining teams) he will be dedicated to
competition only.
In case that it does not have at least three batteries initiated in the first day of
competition the Committee Technician WILL EVALUATE the possibility to continue
qualification in the first battery of as the day or to finish a battery already
initiate in the first day. This decision will fit to the Committee, and will depend on
some factors, as number of qualified teams already and course of
competition. This decision could be informed until the beginning of 2º day of
flight competition.
The qualification flight will be pontuado.
4.1.3. Flight Standard (total valid flight)
The airplane will have to alçar flight in a region of the track demarcated with 61 meters
of length and width that will be shown in the occasion of the competition, to make
at least one it comes back of 360 degrees and to settle. The initial position of the airplane is with
the main landing gear in the mark of the line of departure in the track. The airplane must
to take off (to be in air) inside of 61m or the attempt is invalidated.
It does not have limit of how many returns the airplane will be able to give before settling, since
that it does not have pane dries and nor disrespects the definite airspace before
For Open Classroom it is mandatório that the passage of the aircraft is more
ample so that, in practically no phase of flight, the nose of
aircraft remains pointed with respect to publishes or competitors to it.
Area of Publico e
Aircraft Open Classroom
Take-off Beginning
Final take-off
Barrier of protection
Area of Publico e
Aircraft Open Classroom
Take-off Beginning
Final take-off
Barrier of protection
Bigger details will be emitted opportunely in documentation
The project above is only illustrative. The definitive layout still is in

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4.1.4. Landing
The airplane must settle inside of the destined area as zone of landing with 122
meters of length. Touchs and rushes will not be allowed. Uma
fall invalidates the attempt. A valid landing is defined as touch inside of
122 demarcated meters, stopped clod roller and (without length limit).
width allowed for the touch, race and stopped will be shown in the occasion of
competition. The initial touch of the airplane in the ground necessary to be inside of the area
assigned for landing, but the clod roller until the stop could be beyond
limits of the track. Case the airplane exceeds the longitudinal limit of the area of
landing, it must make rolling it, that is, with at least one of the wheels
touching the ground.
“Zig-zagues”, “hobbies horse”, and rocking landings (landings type “Boeing”) are
The criterion to evaluate if the airplane touched outside of the demarcated area are defined
• If, at the moment of the touch, 50% of the airplane will be inside of the defined area,
flight is valid.
• If, at the moment of the touch, the airplane will be more than 50% for is of the area
defined, the flight will not be valid
The track inspectors will judge this criterion on the basis of, and in case that she has discord
between the inspectors who had attended the landing, the landing will be considered valid.
The landing will be considered valid in accordance with the established criterion above.
However, bond points will be given for the teams that to obtain
to completely stop its aircraft inside of the demarcated area of the track, or
either, they do not exceed the longitudinal and lateral limits of the track in none
moment of the landing, until the stop of the airplane. For each landing that takes care of this
requirement, will be credited 2 bond points. Therefore, to each battery, each
team has the possibility to receive 2 points from bonification, case the flight is
completely valid and still it takes care of the restriction above.
4.1.5. Condition of the airplane after the landing
The airplane must take off and land with all the parts to receive the points
of the attempt. All the parts will have to remain fixed in the airplane for one
valid landing, except the helix that can be broken by the contact with
the ground. The airplane must settle with the same parts that took off, therefore
not being allowed to discarding of parts in the take-off or any another one
moment of the flight.
After the complete stop of the airplane, the captain of the team (or representative who
it will be in the area of preparation for flight), will not be able to exceed the area
delimited for flight until the airplane has stopped completely. After
complete stop, the captain of the team could not be to less than 2 meters
of the inspected airplane until the track inspector has fond of the airplane and
integrity of the same. If this rule will not be obeyed, the flight will be

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4.1.6. Alterations and Repairs
The original project of the airplane as presented in the Competition of the Project
it can be repaired during the course of the competition. However, the airplane
it will have to arrive at the end with its parts original (or substituted by parts
spare identical to the originals), with exception of the helix, motor*, servants,
radios and components of the landing train that can be substituted
or changed at any time in the ground. The substituted, mentioned parts
above, they must be identical to those originals, except for the helix. Any
alteration in relation to the original project must be informed as indicated in
section 1.9.1.
*Os motor of the five first ones placed in the Competition as a whole e
of the five first ones placed in the Competition of Flight they will be disassembled,
revised and verified how much the alterations, after the competition.
Repairs could only be made in broken parts.
• Stringer of wing
Boom or cone of tail of the fuselage
• Stringer of the horizontal empennage
• Among others, as the aircraft.
In breaking case the aircraft will only have its participation again
authorized if the part or set will be substituted by another identical one and after
aircraft minutely to be verified. The coordinator of the inspectors of
security WILL HAVE to be informed when of the substitution or repair of
any component of the aircraft.
Alterations could only be made with the permission of the juízes stop
to take care of to the changes requested for them during the security inspection.
NOTE: any alteration (had the repair or not) in relation to the project
original must be declared, authorized and will suffer definitive penalties
for the judges.
The use and addition of material of covering, adhesive ribbon, glue, small
internal screws or rivets and structural components for repair not
alterations are considered.
Each team will be able to take in the maximum an airplane reserves.
4.1.7. Considerações Adicionais de Vôo Order of Flight
The order of flight for the competition is based on the total of points
accumulated in the project competition. The team with the lesser punctuation flies
first. In case that it is not prepared to fly, it must wait the next one