Not to be with the airplane mounted and complete in the verbal presentation (or
available for the juízes in the case of the Opened Classroom, as section
20 points
Delay in the verbal presentation
2 points/minute
Interruption for professors and people who orientates in the verbal presentation
5 points
Improper interruption for other components of the team in
verbal presentation
2 points
Substitution of different parts of the project without notification
up to 30 points
Lack of graphical Useful Load x extra Altitude-Density
10 points
Lack of the equation in the graph
5 points
Lack of the three sights demonstrating clearly that the aircraft can
to be enrolled in the delimited solid as section
10 points
Absence of the aircraft (Regular Classroom) in the first inspection
dimensional (day of the verbal presentations) (as Section 2.2.2)
30 points
Aircraft with bigger dimensions that the solid delimited in the section
Invalidation of the flight even
declassification of
Delay of delivery of the complete report in the correct address
5 points per day
Not to send the video of the complete flight of the aircraft (Open Classroom)
as section 3.7.6.
25 points
until declassification
of the team
Not to present the video of the flight of the aircraft of the Regular Classroom case
this has been requested for the commission in agreement Organizer
section 2.7.9.
5 points
To carry through the first flight in the competition
Not allowed
Disrespect to the delimited airspace
Baseless protests
Max 25 points
To infringe security rules
Attitudes against the security not foreseen
Min 10 points
Dimensions of the load compartment are of the specified one (including
fixing interferences, handles, or other elements)
Invalidation of the flight even
declassification of
Alteration of project
Defined case the case
Not agreement with the project
Defined case the case
Delay in the delivery of the documentation demanded in the reception until 12h
of the sixth immediately previous fair to the beginning of the Competition of Flight
(declaration that the airplane already flied, Term of Agreement with
“Procedures and Behavior”, wallet of the BORDER, Frequency of the radio,
Form of pilot exchange when applicable.)
Note: the lack of any of these documents hinders the team of
to fly, until the documentation is provided.
10 points
Disrespect/disobedience to the juízes and inspectors
Min 10 points even
Lack of specifications techniques and modifications of the engines classroom
10 points