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After the call will be preparation will be the flight, the team will have 5 drafts stops
if you present will be the inspection of security and the supplying. In marries that not if
it presents, will lose the battery. If the team not you pass in the inspection of
security guard, will lose the teams in the battery.
The have team will you present itself duly will be the inspection with the load
mounted and insurance. The uses of the scale of the Competition will not be allowed to under
in the circunstancia. The scale will be of exclusive uses of the inspectors.
The pesagem will to after be made the landing, in marries that the flight has been valid, in the area of
e inspection and pesagem. The take team will off the load in the presence of an inspector who
it will weigh and inform the team the value heavy. The verification will be made
dimensional and of the volume of the load compartment to after that. Teams of Take-off
Each have 5 team will drafts will be the take-off from its call.
Inside of the 5 minutes, the team will be able to make 3 (three) attempts of
take-off. If the team will not be ready for the when requested flight
it will lose its time, having that to wait until the next battery to fly.
As the operational necessities of the competition this time will be able
to be reduced in one determined battery. In this case all the teams
duly they will be informed. Useful load
The weight of the useful load and the homogeneous distribution of the same one (in the case of
Regular classroom) (it sees Section 2.5.1) will be registered and verified for
judges after each valid flight. Moreover, the juízes will chronometer the time of
opening of the compartment and withdrawal of the load (only for the Classroom
To regulate), attributing applicable bond points when, as described in
section 4.2.1.
Note: to open the load compartment of the airplane without the one authorization
of the judges it will invalidate the flight. Fuel (Regular Classroom)
The fuel supplied for the organization will be the only one used during
competition. The supplying will be made by the supplying inspectors
only. Flight of Test
If it will be possible, the Flights of Test will be determined by the organizador of
event. Not it will be supplied combustible the test flights nor stops
softening of the engines.
4.1.8. Final battery
It will be able to have a battery between the finalistas. The number of admitted teams
in this battery it will be determined by the organizadores of the established competition

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in the accumulated points of form that no team with possibility of
to gain the competition has been left of side.
4.2. Punctuation
The preliminary spreading of the punctuation will be made in the occasion of the ceremony of
awarding, in the last day of the competition. The final punctuation will be divulged
through the site of SAE BRAZIL in the Internet, and envoy to the teams, up to 10 days
after the competition.
4.2.1. General punctuation
The general punctuation will be calculated as follows:
Points of the Competition of Project + Points of the Competition of Flight -
Penalties + Applicable Bonds Competition of Project
The competition of Project will be pontuada in accordance with the following criteria:
Useful load Report, Plants, Graph: 80 points
Verbal Presentation - 20 points Competition of Flight
The number of points for a team as will be defined in the sections
2.8.1 and 3.8.1. (Classroom Regular and Opened respectively)
Bond points in accordance with the time of opening of the compartment of
load, as section 4.2.1.
The Loaded Useful Load points (Classrooms Regular and Opened),
Acuracidade (Classrooms Regular and Opened), bond for the time of
opening of the load compartment (Classrooms Regular), Factor of
Structural efficiency (Regular Classroom) and Paid Load ratio (Classroom
Opened) they will be computed for the flight of bigger loaded weight for
Points of bond for each landing, inside of the restrictions established in
section 4.1.4.
4.3. Loss of Points
4.3.1. Penalties
Some foreseen penalties are presented in the table below, however
other penalties will be able to occur.

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Not to be with the airplane mounted and complete in the verbal presentation (or
available for the juízes in the case of the Opened Classroom, as section
20 points
Delay in the verbal presentation
2 points/minute
Interruption for professors and people who orientates in the verbal presentation
5 points
Improper interruption for other components of the team in
verbal presentation
2 points
Substitution of different parts of the project without notification
up to 30 points
Lack of graphical Useful Load x extra Altitude-Density
10 points
Lack of the equation in the graph
5 points
Lack of the three sights demonstrating clearly that the aircraft can
to be enrolled in the delimited solid as section
10 points
Absence of the aircraft (Regular Classroom) in the first inspection
dimensional (day of the verbal presentations) (as Section 2.2.2)
30 points
Aircraft with bigger dimensions that the solid delimited in the section
Invalidation of the flight even
declassification of
Delay of delivery of the complete report in the correct address
5 points per day
Not to send the video of the complete flight of the aircraft (Open Classroom)
as section 3.7.6.
25 points
until declassification
of the team
Not to present the video of the flight of the aircraft of the Regular Classroom case
this has been requested for the commission in agreement Organizer
section 2.7.9.
5 points
To carry through the first flight in the competition
Not allowed
Disrespect to the delimited airspace
Baseless protests
Max 25 points
To infringe security rules
Attitudes against the security not foreseen
Min 10 points
Dimensions of the load compartment are of the specified one (including
fixing interferences, handles, or other elements)
Invalidation of the flight even
declassification of
Alteration of project
Defined case the case
Not agreement with the project
Defined case the case
Delay in the delivery of the documentation demanded in the reception until 12h
of the sixth immediately previous fair to the beginning of the Competition of Flight
(declaration that the airplane already flied, Term of Agreement with
“Procedures and Behavior”, wallet of the BORDER, Frequency of the radio,
Form of pilot exchange when applicable.)
Note: the lack of any of these documents hinders the team of
to fly, until the documentation is provided.
10 points
Disrespect/disobedience to the juízes and inspectors
Min 10 points even
Lack of specifications techniques and modifications of the engines classroom
10 points

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4.4. General behavior and Security
In the eventuality of not porting behavior, the team will have to receive
warning in writing on the part of the Committee Technician. One second breaking
it will have to result in the declassification of the team.
The organizadores, judges or inspectors will be able to forbid any flight of any
airplane considered without security, until these conditions are modified e
the airplane has been reinspected for the judges or inspectors.
The rules of security for the Competition of Flight will be displayed to all
participants before the beginning. However, any attitude that will be considered
for the organizadores as not insurance, exactly that not foreseen in the rules
of security, it will be considered as such.
Breaking of any rule of security will go to result in the elimination
immediate of the team.
Quarrel or disobedience to any judge will go to result in the elimination of
To the ingestion of any alcoholic beverage or any will not be allowed
illegal chemical product in the environment of the Competition or is of it. This
rule is valid during all the Competition, in any stage. Any
breaking of this rule will imply the immediate expulsion of all the members
of the teams of one same school, not only of the team that it violated.
This if applies to the members of the teams and coordinators of the school.
The use of the tobacco will not be allowed in the common areas of the competition in
virtue of the risks to the security and problems to the health that the tobacco can
to cause. The smokers must look the PRIVATE areas
To the organizadores of the competition the right to modify is private
programming, as well as interpreting the rules of the competition, to any
moment through its proper judgment aiming at efficiency in
operacionalização of the event or security in the competition.
Any commentary or doubt regarding the rules will have to be
directed to the Committee Technician of the AeroDesign Competition, fastest
possible, to prevent errors of understanding regarding intentions e
intentions of the same one.
In this direction, contacts will have to be effected with Vanessa Viana, integrant
of the team of the Central Office of SAE BRAZIL, in São Paulo, by means of
address email: