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5. General rules - Report and Presentation (Classrooms
To regulate and Opened)
The Competition is divided in two parts: 1 - Competition of Project and 2 -
Competition of Flight. In the Competition of Project, the team will present its
project justifying the taken decisions and the calculations used in the forecast
of the maximum useful load that could be loaded will be the airplane. The Competition of
Flight will determines which airplane loads the biggest weight.
5.1. Competition of Project
The Competition of Project is divided in four parts: Report of Project,
Plants, Forecast of the Useful Load and verbal Presentation.
Total The punctuation of the project competition is 100 points.
Total Of this, 80 points will be destined the evaluation of the report, plants e
useful load graph, that will be subdivided by concentration area:
• Aerodynamic: ........................ 15 points
• Performance: ......................... 15 points
• Structures: .............................. 15 points
• Stability and Control: ......... 15 points
• Project and Plants: ................... 20 points
The content and quality of the report, plants and graph will be evaluated inside
of these punctuations. The creativity and innovation also will be evaluated inside
of these punctuations, and well it will be rewarded.
Verbal The Presentation valley 20 points.
5.1.1. Report of Project
Each submit team must five (5) copies of the Report of Project,
detailing the methodology, calculations and results of the project. The report must
you contain:
1. Description detailed will be the maximum useful load you be loaded in function
of the altitude-density. This description will be complemented by graph
representing the foreseen maximum useful load in function of the altitude
density (it sees section 5.1.3).
2. Methods and the results of performance, calculation of stability e
structural and aerodynamic control, and calculations will be the airplane.
3. Any carried through dynamic analysis
4. Any innovative or original idea of the project.
They do not have to be enclosed instructions of construction.
Descriptions of innovative or only techniques of construction and materials,
they could be enclosed.

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30 Format of the report and limitations
The report will have to contain in the maximum 30 pages it Regular Classroom e
in the maximum 40 pages for the Open Classroom. This number of pages is
considered excluding a leaf of face (or layer), the copy of the term of
responsibility (whose presentation is OBLIGATOR in the proper report) e,
if applicable, the document required in section 1.8.2.
The formatting of the report will have to be: double space, typed in A-4 paper
using the source
Times New Roman
in size 12 (with espaçamento of
characters Normal). The minimum edges will have to be: 2,5 cm to
left, 1,25 cm in the superior, 1,25 to the right and 1,25 cm in the inferior.
report will have to be bound thus it cannot have pages
It is highly recommendable that the plants are folded adequately
(as norm ABNT) thus these are bound
together with leves of the report without its edges exceed
dimensions of a A-4 leaf.
Each report will have to be marked with the name and number of the team, e
school in the face page.
The report will be evaluated how much to the content used technician, methods,
creativity, innovation of project, logical organization and clarity. The reports
they can be made in English Portuguese or. Annexes and appendices
Appendices and annexes of any type are not allowed (paper, CDs,
disketes. photos…).
For the Open Classroom only, the presentation in an annex is obligator
documentation of the manufacturer of the engine indicating the piston displacement and alterations
made in the engines.
5.1.2. Plants Plants - Regular Classroom
Each team will have to deliver five detailed copies of the plants of the airplane.
The plants consist of five (5) leves so great A3, printed only in
a side, folded adequately (as norm ABNT for A-3 leaf),
that they will have to be increased and to be bound with the form report that
juízes can only analyze opening them them, without removing them of the report.
A leaf must contain drawings of 3 sights in aeronautical format standard,
that is, seen superior of the airplane in the left superior side of the leaf, with
nose for low; below of this, the sight frontal of the airplane with the lateral sight to
its right with the nose of the airplane for the left of the leaf (sees Appendix
6.3). In the top of the lateral sight a table with the summary will have to exist of
data of the airplane, always in the metric system. The others four drawings
they will have to follow the format of the drawings presented in any magazine of

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At least one of the plants it will have to show the load compartment, with
its dimensions.
All the leves of the plant must be marked with the name of the school,
name and number of the team, in legend in it I sing right inferior.
The plants normally are evaluated by the following criteria:
• Clarity and Cleanness
• Detailing and choice of the sights.
• Possibility of if reproducing the aircraft from the plants
• Use of normalization technique for representation of the aircraft and its
subgroups (quotas, cuts, sights, details, among others).
Additional plant - Three Sights of the Aircraft in the Hangar
To facilitate the procedure of dimensional verification of the aircraft in
standardized solid (or `hangar') will have to be sent a A3 leaf contends
the three sights of the aircraft in the same standard already previously established,
with the quotas most important (to see Appendix 6.4B). In each one of the sights
of the aircraft the solid standard must be presented in the way as it
it skirtes the aircraft. One prices with the basic dimensions of areas,
some aerodynamic characteristics and the weight empty (kg) will have to be
presented as it shows to the Appendix 6.4B.
It is not necessary that the diagonal line biggest of the solid is guided
vertically in relation the leaf. What it delimits the orientation of the solid is
position of the sights of the aircraft which must be in the aeronautical standard,
as already explained previously.
This drawing will have to be clearly identified with the name of the school,
number and the name of the team, in a legend in it I sing right inferior. Plants - Open Classroom
Each participant team of the Open Classroom will have to deliver five copies
detailed of the plants of the airplane. The plants consist of five (5) leves
A-2 size, printed only in a side, folded adequately
(according to norm ABNT for A-2 leaf), that they will have to be increased e
bound with the form report that the juízes can analyze them
only opening them, without removing them of the report.
A leaf must contain drawings of 3 sights in aeronautical format standard,
as described above ( item) (it sees Appendix 6,3). A sight in
perspective of the aircraft can be, ALSO, inserted in this first leaf
(above of the lateral sight) for a faster visualization of the aircraft
represented. In the lateral of the leaf a table with the summary will have to exist of
data of the airplane, always in the metric system.
The others four plants will have to follow the format of the drawings
presented in any magazine of modelismo.

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The objective of the modification in the standard of leves (of A-3 for A-2) is to give
the teams the chance to present a bigger number of sights,
cuts and details showing the diverse solutions of project e
construction used in the aircraft.
It is not recommendable that drawings simply extended are sent
but yes a bigger number of drawings and/or seen by leaf, form that
juízes can understand more clearly as the aircraft is composed in
its some sets and systems.
At least one of the plants it will have to show the load compartment, with
its dimensions.
A special attention for the structural details of the aircraft is asked for
to be represented in the plants. These must be represented of such
way that allows to the juízes and specialists of the area of project e
structures, the complete visualization of as are constructed the elements
structural main, such as section of the stringer, linking wing fuselage,
itens among others pertinent cone of tail that they are function of the type of
All the leves of the plant must be marked with the name of the school,
name and number of the team, in legend in it I sing right inferior.
5.1.3. Estimate of the Useful Load
The graph of forecast of the useful load will be judged by its clarity and content
technician, as well as the form as the useful load was foreseen.
The data will have to be linearizados on an excellent band and the graph
it will have to include the equation and the linearizada straight line linear.
Each team will have to provide five (5) copies in A-4 size with the graph of
useful load esteem with weight in kilos x altitude-density in meters
following the format given in Appendix 6.2. Each copy will have to be
bound together with each copy of the report.
As these graphs also will be used esteem the useful load
foreseen during the flight competition, the team will have to deliver a copy
additional to the five, separate one, with the linear equation and the linearizada straight line.
graph must have the name of the team and school in the top, with the number of
team in it I sing inferior right. This will have to be made in format
“landscape” (landscape).
5.1.4. Discounting for Delays
The sets of report, plants and graph of the useful load estimate and
envelope with the plant in 3 sights and the graph additional, and, if applicable,
report required (1 copy only) in sections 2.7.4 and 3.7.9. (Classroom
Regular and Opened respectively), they will have to be sent for the Committee
Technician until the indicated date as dates limit (Appendix 6,6). The Committee
Technician or SAE BRAZIL will not be responsible for losses or errors of
addressing. It is suggested that all the reports and plants are sent
for SEDEX or you deliver personally. But official marks or receipts
of the post offices they will be accepted as test of the date of sending of the reports.