exactly airplane of the previous year with only the horizontal empennage
The Report of Project, as well as plants and material for the presentation
verbal they must be different, that is, cannot have format the same, exactly
reasoning of project, same assays used in previous competitions.
The Report of Project must show clearly that it is about a project
Texts (or paragraphs) very similar between the reports of the current year
e of the previous years will not be accepted and will constitute base for penalização
of the project in question.
Conclusions, despite shining, that they have been presented in
reports of previous competitions, will not be considered.
The Committee Technician understands that the teams that if they form to participate of
AeroDesign must develop a project to participate, and all the process
of work it must be restarted to each project.
For teams or members that had participated of previous competitions, it is
acceptable that they learn with the errors and they project an airplane with solutions stops
the problems lived deeply in the previous competitions, or same that optimize
the airplane used in previous competition, some aspect (fuselage for
example). In these cases IT IS REQUIRED and OBLIGATOR the authorization stops
the reutilização of the airplane.
In case that airplanes are detected that are not characterized as new projects,
e the authorization will not have been required and approved, the team will be informed
duly informed and outcast. Such measure can even occur
exactly during transcorrer of the Competition.
If evidenced any occurrence of plagiarism in any part of the report,
final punctuation STRONG will be penalizada.