#!/usr/bin/env python from MythTV import * from time import mktime import traceback import weakref import sys import os MythLog._setlevel('none') DBCONN = {'DBHostName': 'sql', 'DBPort': 3306, 'DBName': 'mythconverg_trunk', 'DBUserName': 'mythtv', 'DBPassword': 'mythtv'} BEIP = '' FRONTEND = ['',6546] ERRORLIST = [] OPTS = {} class testgroup( object ): _current = [] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.name, self._children) def __init__(self, name=None): self._parent = self._current testgroup._current = self self._children = [] self.name = name self._parent.append(self) def __call__(self): if self.name: pi('running %s' % self.name, newline=True, color='cyan') pi.raiseindent() for func in self._children: func() if self.name: pi.lowerindent() def append(self, func): self._children.append(func) def close(self): testgroup._current = self._parent @classmethod def getcurrent(cls): return cls._current class Critical( Exception ): pass class Skipped( Exception ): pass class decor( object ): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.__doc__ = self.func.__doc__ self.__name__ = self.func.__name__ self.__module__ = self.func.__module__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.func(*args, **kwargs) class required( decor ): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.func(*args, **kwargs) except: raise Critical class requires( decor ): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not OPTS[self.name]: raise Skipped self.func(*args, **kwargs) class requires_dbconn( requires ): name = 'dbconn' class requires_beconn( requires ): name = 'beconn' class requires_xmlconn( requires ): name = 'xmlconn' class requires_feconn( requires ): name = 'feconn' class requires_dbcache( requires ): name = 'dbcache' class requires_becache( requires ): name = 'becache' class requires_record_getall( requires ): name = 'record_getall' class test( decor ): def __repr__(self): return self.__name__ def __init__(self, func): decor.__init__(self, func) testgroup.getcurrent().append(self) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): res = None pi('running %s' % self.__name__[5:]) try: res = self.func(*args, **kwargs) pi('PASSED', ralign=True, color='green') OPTS[self.__name__[5:]] = True except Skipped: pi('SKIPPED', ralign=True, color='yellow') OPTS[self.__name__[5:]] = False except Critical: pi('CRITICAL', ralign=True, color='magenta') ERRORLIST.append((self.__name__, traceback.format_exc())) raise except: pi('FAILED', ralign=True, color='red') ERRORLIST.append((self.__name__, traceback.format_exc())) OPTS[self.__name__[5:]] = False class print_indent(): width = 60 colors = dict(zip(['black','red','green','yellow','blue','magenta','cyan','white'], range(8))) def __init__(self): self.col = 0 self.indent = 0 def __call__(self, text, newline=False, ralign=False, color=None): if self.col == 0: sys.stdout.write(' '*self.indent) self.col += self.indent size = len(text) if color is not None: text = '\033[3%dm%s\033[37m' % (self.colors[color], text) if ralign: newline = True sys.stdout.write(' '*(self.width-(self.col+size))) sys.stdout.write(text) self.col += size if newline: sys.stdout.write('\n') self.col = 0 def raiseindent(self): self.indent += 4 def lowerindent(self): self.indent = max(self.indent-4, 0) runtests = testgroup() #----------------------------------------- # base classes test_base = testgroup('base classes') @test @required def test_orddict(): od = OrdDict((('somedata',1),('otherdata',2))) #test attribute access od.somedata #test attribute set od.somedata = 2 if not od.somedata == 2: raise Exception #test item set od['somedata'] = 3 if not od['somedata'] == 3: raise Exception #test new attribute set od.moredata = 4 if not od.moredata == 4: raise Exception #test iterators if ['somedata','otherdata','moredata'] != od.keys(): raise Exception(od.keys()) if [3,2,4] != od.values(): raise Exception(od.values()) #test copying od2 = od.copy() if not od2.moredata == 4: raise Exception @test def test_dictinvert(): di,id = DictInvert.createPair({'somedata':1, 'otherdata':2}) #test item set di['somedata'] = 3 if not id[3] == 'somedata': raise Exception #test new item set id[4] = 'moredata' if not di['moredata'] == 4: raise Exception #test item delete del id[4] if 'moredata' in di: raise Exception test_base.close() #----------------------------------------- # connections test_connections = testgroup('connections') test_base_connections = testgroup('base connections') @test def test_dbconn(): db = DBConnection(DBCONN) c = db.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT 1""") if not c.fetchone()[0] == 1: raise Exception @test def test_beconn(): be = BEConnection(BEIP, 6543) @test def test_xmlconn(): xml = XMLConnection(BEIP, port=6544) xml._query() @test def test_feconn(): fe = FEConnection(FRONTEND[0], FRONTEND[1]) test_base_connections.close() test_connection_caches = testgroup('connection caches') @test @requires_dbconn def test_dbcache(): DBCache() @test @requires_dbconn def test_dbcache_manual_args(): move_dbfile() try: DBCache(args=DBCONN) except: raise finally: move_dbfile(True) @test @requires_dbconn def test_dbcache_manual_kw(): move_dbfile() try: DBCache(DBHostName=DBCONN['DBHostName'], DBName=DBCONN['DBName'], DBUserName=DBCONN['DBUserName'], DBPassword=DBCONN['DBPassword']) except: raise finally: move_dbfile(True) @test @requires_dbconn def test_dbcache_upnp(): move_dbfile() try: DBCache() except: raise finally: move_dbfile(True) @test @requires_dbconn def test_dbcache_recurse(): move_dbfile() try: db = DBCache(args=DBCONN) db2 = DBCache(db) except: raise finally: move_dbfile(True) @test @requires_dbcache def test_becache(): be = BECache() host = be.host hostname = be.hostname BECache(host) BECache(hostname) @test @requires_feconn def test_feconn_upnp(): fe = list(FEConnection.fromUPNP()) test_connection_caches.close() test_connections.close() test_collections = testgroup('collections') test_data_objects = testgroup('database objects') test_record = testgroup('Record') @test def test_record_getall(): recs = list(Record.getAllEntries()) @test @requires_record_getall def test_record_openone(): rec = Record.getAllEntries().next() rec2 = Record(rec.recordid) test_record.close() @test def test_recorded(): pass @test def test_recordedprogram(): pass @test def test_oldrecorded(): pass @test def test_job(): pass @test def test_guide(): pass @test def test_channel(): pass test_data_objects.close() test_method_collections = testgroup('method collections') test_mythbe = testgroup('MythBE') @test @requires_becache def test_mythbe_getrecordings(): be = MythBE() recs = be.getRecordings() rec = be.getRecording(recs[0].chanid, int(mktime(recs[0].starttime.timetuple()))) be.getPendingRecordings() be.getUpcomingRecordings() be.getScheduledRecordings() be.getConflictedRecordings() test_mythbe.close() test_mythdb = testgroup('MythDB') @test @requires_dbcache def test_searchRecorded(): db = MythDB() list(db.searchRecorded()) list(db.searchRecorded(commflagged=True)) @test @requires_dbcache def test_searchOldRecorded(): db = MythDB() list(db.searchRecorded()) list(db.searchRecorded(commflagged=True)) @test @requires_dbcache def test_searchJobs(): db = MythDB() list(db.searchRecorded()) list(db.searchRecorded(commflagged=True)) @test @requires_dbcache def test_searchGuide(): db = MythDB() list(db.searchRecorded()) list(db.searchRecorded(commflagged=True)) @test @requires_dbcache def test_searchRecord(): db = MythDB() list(db.searchRecorded()) list(db.searchRecorded(commflagged=True)) test_mythdb.close() def test_mythdb(): db = MythDB() @test @requires_dbcache def test_mythxml(): xml = MythXML() @test @requires_dbcache def test_mythvideo(): mvid = MythVideo() test_method_collections.close() #-------------------------------------- # data objects @test def test_program(): pass @test def test_record(): pass @test def test_recorded(): pass @test def test_recordedprogram(): pass @test def test_oldrecorded(): pass @test def test_job(): pass @test def test_guide(): pass @test def test_channel(): pass @test def test_video(): pass test_collections.close() #-------------------------------------- # def finalprint(): for fail in ERRORLIST: print '\n---------------------------------' print '%s Failed:' % fail[0] print fail[1] sys.exit(0) def move_dbfile(moveback=False): cred = os.path.expanduser('~/.mythtv/config.xml') back = os.path.expanduser('~/.mythtv/config.xml.bak') if moveback: os.rename(back,cred) else: os.rename(cred, back) pi = print_indent() if __name__ == '__main__': try: runtests() except: pass finalprint()